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EDI message protocols

Protocols for the transmission of EDI data


X.400, often referred to as Message Handling System (MHS), is an e-mail system and an alternative to internet e-mail. In contrast to internet e-mail, the global X.400 network only hosts domain operators who are known by name and use traceable paths along which messages move through the network. This is one reason why message encoding is waived to some extent when using X.400. Along with AS2, X.400 is one of the most frequently used forms of communication in professional electronic data interchange. The issue of whether a company uses X.400 or AS2 is determined on the basis of how that company’s operational costs are prioritised and the nature of its EDI infrastructure.


Applicability Statements (AS) 2 are usually sent on the Internet with the HTTP or HTTP protocol. AS2 messages are used by and large as a point-to-point connectivity procedure. AS2 features numerous advantages over HTTP, including better inspection and security attained by using receipt verifications and digital signatures.


The HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure is a combination of Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the SSL/TLS protocol for decoding and secure identification of the server. HTTPS connections are often used for interchanging sensitive data between companies’ business systems.


The Odette File Transfer Protocol was developed to provide a standard communication platform for the European automotive industry and has been in use since the mid-1980s. The OFTP protocol is easy to use and consists of only fourteen commands. The protocol is extremely efficient and allows the use of large transmission windows and includes at the same time data start, data compression and security.


Odette File Transfer Protocol version 2.0 ist die neueste Version des OFTP-Standards und wurde zu Beginn für den Einsatz im Internet entworfen. OFTP2 bietet zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber OFTP einschließlich Datenkomprimierung und Austausch digitaler Zertifikate (zur Verbesserung der Übertragungssicherheit) zwischen Handelspartnern. Es ermöglicht die Verarbeitung sehr großer Dateien (über 500 GB) und bietet Support für zusätzliche Zeichensätze wie Chinesisch und Japanisch.