Together against hunger
The Tafel movement saves food from the organic waste bin throughout Germany and sends it to those in need. Simple idea, great effect... And so important! This is why Mercoline regularly supports Berliner Tafel e. V. - either through monetary donations or through voluntary work by the Mercoline team.

We give a hand
We from Mercoline have already been on site several times to help out. At the Berliner Tafel e. V. we help to collect the food and prepare it for further processing. As part of the Tafel campaign "LAIB UND SEELE", we are also saving food at Fruit Logistica, an international trade fair for fruit and vegetable marketing, in order to pass it on to the needy. The Mercoline team is always happy to be there - and afterwards richer in experience and knowledge.

Mission Fruit Logistica
More than 450 volunteers were on hand at Fruit Logistica 2020 to collect and transport the food exhibited there. 85 tons of food were collected and made available to the needy. Mercoliners also gave their best again. We say thank you to all the helpers! Hopefully, in 2022 we'll be there again.
In motion pictures...
This video by Berliner Tafel e. V. gives you an insight into volunteer work.