Learning with Mercoline

Start of a new chapter

Whether it's a dual study program for business informatics, applied informatics or an apprenticeship as an IT specialist for application development, with Mercoline you have the ideal partner company. From the beginning, you will always be supported in your learning process and appropriately introduced to your topics. All students and trainees go through a "company rally" with us, in which they get to know the departments and their employees for two weeks. A small collection of tasks helps you not to lose the thread and to prepare your final presentation. After you have independently gathered all the necessary information on everyday tools and processes, you present your findings to your supervisors at the end of the rally.

Learning process flow

During your studies, you will usually alternate between theoretical and practical phases.... Depending on the field of study, the duration of the individual phases is approximately three months of theory and three months of practice in alternation. In your theory phases, you will study at a university and learn everything you need to know on your way to becoming a computer scientist. The content of the theory phases can be found in the respective semester descriptions of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Campus Friedrichsfelde). After your theory phase ends, you come back to us to put your learned knowledge directly into practice. As soon as you have mastered the basics of the ABAP programming language and SAP software, you can start working. You will be assigned to a project group and given a task according to your current skill level and the module. In this way, you can take on responsibility early on, support your project team and steadily master more demanding tasks.

The practical phases of the apprenticeship are similar. However, each week of vocational school is followed by two weeks of practical training at Mercoline. During the school vacations, this rhythm is "paused" and filled up with practical weeks.

Regardless of whether you are studying or training, you can always count on our support. If you need help with studying or time to prepare for an exam, you don't have to hesitate and can let us know. We will organize training sessions with our employees or give you some time to study. Staff members as well as other students and trainees are also happy to support you in your learning.


We will work together to familiarize you with ABAP and SAP. At the beginning, you will have to learn the basics, but you will soon be able to get to grips with the practical applications. If everything goes well during your time at Mercoline, you can also take part in an internship abroad in cooperation with the Potsdam Chamber of Industry and Commerce or offered by your university.

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us and we will see together how our cooperation can look like.

Application process

Classes begin in the winter semester. Once the application process has been completed and you’ve been accepted into the program, you’ll enter into an internship agreement with us that covers the duration of your studies. Additional questions If you still have questions about the curriculum, please visit the Berlin School of Economics and Law website.  If you have other questions about the work/study programme at Mercoline, please simply send us an e-mail.

We look forward to your application!

Online application

Contact for students & trainees

Florian Schaeffer

+49 (0) 30 - 43 65 89 142


Mercoline GmbH
Florian Schaeffer
Wittestraße 30L
13509 Berlin